Another Bridesmaid locked in with a resounding yes! I am so happy. This one was probably one of the more emotional conversations because I don't think Roshni expected it and was taken by surprise. She kept saying "Are you sure?" .... Yes, I'm sure!!! It was so cute. I asked her last weekend, and would have posted sooner, but I was stuck in Raleigh most of the week last week working day and night.
So, dear Roshni....what can I say about her! Well, out of all of my bridesmaid friends I have known her the least longest. She and I met about two years ago at a New Years Eve party in Chicago, and interestingly enough, she picked me up! :-) Gave me the whole line and everything. Reality of the story is that her boyfriend's (now husband's) cousin asked her to be his wing-woman...she happily obliged. The cousin didn't work out, but the more important relationship did....I got a life long friend! We then realized how small of a world this is. She lives in Columbus, OH and during the time I was going to Columbus on a weekly basis for work. So, we got close real fast....she was my one exciting reason to hop on a plane to C-bus everyweek! That was an interesting time! She also was a trooper and accompanied me to a psychic one day (don't ask!!!) and had to sit out in the car during the frigid hell of winter because the psychic wouldn't let her come in - - - she said her spirits would interfere with my spirits and she wouldn't get an accurate reading. Again, don't ask....just take from this that she is a dynamite friend and a real trooper! :-)
When Roshni was so surpirsed I asked her to take on this role, it surprised me that she was surprised.....she was the friend I called the week after I got engaged when I got queazy stress knots in my stomach and wanted to sit in the corner and read a book! She is the one who really understands the strange nature of my personality and my discomfort with attention, and super extreme feelings....she knows exactly what I mean when I say that I don't like to feel too happy or too sad. She knows, and she doesn't even have to tell me she knows. Our personality DNA is built almost identically. We have both been through a lot and our experiences have somehow shaped us so similarly. Sometimes when you meet certain people you know it was meant to be and that they are meant to be in your life for a long long time...she is one of those people. She's just as cookey and as much of a nut as I am...and that's why I love her...in addition to her being an absolute sweetheart and a phenomenal friend that is always there for support. Always. Thanks, Roshni!
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