This past week was insanely crazy. Work has never been so busy for either of us - and combine that with wedding planning, we were ready to pass out every night. We got a lot done. The venue, the wedding planner and a photographer are almost all locked down. The goal is to have them all secured by the end of this weekend. Let's see...
We also put a budget together....if a couple can get through that, they can get through anything, I believe. And we got through it together swimmingly! Our friend Anjali is getting married next year as well and she sent a template that she worked up, which was extremely helpful. Once in our hands, that template has evolved - - - into 8 tabs in excel - one summary tab and the rest for the possible 7 events we are going to have. This may need to get cut down a bit! :-) Seeing the final number, though, caused a bit of a lump in the back of the throat.....I imagine it does for everyone! :-0 Why oh why do Indian weddings have to be so elaborate!!!
I'll post tomorrow the photographers we are considering as well as the wedding planners, but, for now, I am just going to post the pictures that got both Saurab and I through this extremely tough week! Our one day in San Diego that we had last Sunday...

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