But for now.....continuing with the Bridesmaids.

Last week, I finally got a hold of one of my very best friends who has not only been with me through thick and thin, but she was the first to know about this engagement - - - even before me. Saurab stole Poorvi's number in April to start asking about ring designs and what I would or would not like. Seems peculiar that I would choose someone who is able to lie to me so blatantly to be my maid of honor, but alas, it will have to be! :-)
I met Poorvi years ago in Chicago at a "Indian Executive Women's luncheon" .... we were both aspiring type A crazy women early on! :-) Our similarities through our passion around our careers, family, and life made our relationship quickly catapult from friendship to sisterhood. For never having a sister, I don't feel like I am missing out on anything, because I have her. She truly goes beyond a friend. One of the happiest times for me was when I was able to help get things in order for her wedding - from taking pictures at her mendhi to buying very interesting last minute things that she forgot to getting paperwork for her marriage license from her house to decorating her bridal suite.....nothing made me happier. And I know in my heart that she feels the same way. It would be my honor to have her stand beside me and help tie all the loose ends so that I can have a perfect Indian magical day.
Our dream is to one day live on the same street - well, let's start with the same city first - and raise our children together. Geez, thinking about that just warms my heart. Her presence in my life is so important to me. Our similarities and ability to understand one another give me comfort that I am not walking this delicate balance of life, career and love alone. I love you Poorvs.
Awww.....you are soo sweet Anj. I am absolutely thrilled to be your MOH. And I can't wait to start planning everything - its going to be so much fun (and if anyone tries to stress you out - they better watch out - i've got a mean Tae Bo kick). Also - can't wait to meet the whole fam on both sides in October. Let the fun begin (or rather...continue...) :-)